I make epic madness stuff sometimes.
PFP by Nibsquick.
Banner by RavenTheLemon.

Age 22, Male

Somewhere in Brexit

Joined on 3/2/13

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Zapchon's News

Posted by Zapchon - July 27th, 2021

I forgot to post the link here lol


Yeah this is that collab of mine that I've been working on with people

It originally started out as a quick joke animation I was making but now it's gonna be a less serious unofficial entry in the Whitehank series.

September 22nd 2021 is the planned release date but that's only if everybody (myself included) finishes their shit on time.

So stay tuned for the Madness Cringehank Collab. (Yes, that's the actual name)


Posted by Zapchon - June 27th, 2021

Heya, it's your favourite blue fuck here again.

I'm still working on Madness stuff and whatnot, it's just been a bit hard to find motivation with a lot of the stuff going on recently and in the past.

But two angry animation groups, batshit ex-friends, one abusive situation, a hillbilly simp squad and two ex-friends who turned out to be fucked up later, here I am.

(Yes, somehow all of that is real)

Dealing with all of those things has been a bit taxing to say the least,

Finding out those things about Cethic was an especially odd one since she was one of the first people I talked to in the community way back in 2013.

(alongside Scratcherz, Madnesia19 and Endik55)

And of course finding out Fleetwire is a pedo right afterwards didn't help either since I knew him for multiple years too.

Plus knowing that people like Sean Glover are still roaming about in positions of power is unsettling too.

But thankfully even though my motivation is at an all time low, it's still not gone thanks to there still being cool people in this community if you know where to look.

Shoutouts to Raven, Swffr and Gabe for being some of the coolest motherfuckers I've ever met.

Plus my server's friend group's been amazing too outside of the occasional person just going crazy for no reason, but that's to be expected with any discord group I guess.




Cringehank Collab


Maximum Ninja 4 collab


Jailbreak: Fall of Helios


Madness Liberation (Yeah I'm still working on it I swear)


Boogie-Down Collab


Madness Hallucination 1.5


PROJECT: Felony 2 (Though I'm pretty sure it's cancelled at this point)


A multiple-movie long project that I'll get kicked out of if I say what it is here


Madness Ooga Boogalads (Madness: Madlads 2)


Abnormis 2: VENTURE



So yeah there's a lot that I'm working on this year,

though not all of it is going to be done this year too.

That's about it, later fellas.



Posted by Zapchon - May 1st, 2021



Posted by Zapchon - March 12th, 2021

Yo, I'm 19 now

I'm late making this post, but it also means I can say thank you to everybody who made me something today

and to everybody who just said "Happy Birthday".

It still means a lot.

It's bizarre to think that I made my first Madness animation when I was 11, man I've been here for a while.

Year 18 of my life felt like a fucking boss battle with the amount of stuff that happened to me personally and just in general during 2020 and very early 2021.

But I'm here now regardless so that's cool

Special thanks to everybody in my server, "The Madness Den".

All of you are some cool motherfuckers.

Thanks for keeping things entertaining.

And if it interests any of you, I did a quick Co-op thing with Eastly since it's his birthday today as well:

But yeah, that's all.



(sketch by Novaheaded)


Posted by Zapchon - January 16th, 2021


In this post I'm gonna tell you all my plans going forward and get a few things off my chest.

Since I know the majority of you won't give a shit about anything other than progress updates, I'll get that out of the way first:

I'm gonna be real with ya, I'm in a weird place with how much Madness content I want to make.

That being said, I doubt I'll ever truly "quit" the community since I'm sure I'd end up making the odd test or collab part years from now despite this, so you could instead call it "Taking a step back".

The projects I'm still planning to finish before it are various parts I'll be making for collabs and my own collab I'm hosting that's going to be "odd" to say the least.

As for Madness Liberation, it stopped being enjoyable to work on a while ago in all honesty.

I'll be finishing the first part and extending it a bit so it could technically be seen as "an ending" but after that I dunno if I'm going to make any more content relating to it.

I know that's not what a bunch of you want to hear but the spark for making it is just gone, at least for the time being.

Mainly due to the fact that I've been working on it for so long and it still looks pretty shit honestly.


Like I said before, I'll probably be taking a step back/out of the community once I've finished those projects.

The main reasons for it are my interests shifting towards other content like art and music.

Music I've especially been wanting to get into for a while.

Generally speaking, conflict in the Madness community also made it a lot harder to enjoy making content for it.

It feels like no matter what you do, people will always try and find some way to shit on it or argue with people for minimal, unimportant reasons.

Frankly, for a very long time before now I was one of those people too.

There's a whole bunch of reasons why, namely outside stress making me a generally angrier person and me sticking with a group of people that aren't the best when it comes to remorse and understanding.

I ended up looking up to somebody there who was a really toxic influence on me over these past few years, to say the least.

Though they weren't the only case of it. I would be lying if I said they were the sole cause of how I acted.

There's a lot of people I talked to over the years who had similar effects on me,

plus I'm definitely to blame for it myself to some extent.

Honestly, I look back at half the shit I said over the years and wince at it.

Even though my heart was always in the right place, I just wonder why I gave so much of a shit about most of the stuff I argued over.

It's also why I'm going to say for the record:

Please don't take anything I've said before 2021 as a proper reflection of who I am. I was a complete dipshit before now.

That's about it, this post was probably longer than it should've been.

I don't want to end this on a downer though so I want to give a quick thank you to everybody who's been a friend recently.

Especially Swffr, who has been great for all the time she's been my best pal.

Until the next post, bros.



Posted by Zapchon - January 7th, 2021

It's just the old ones but fixed up a bit, but it's still an update so here you go:





Posted by Zapchon - December 31st, 2020

Literally everybody is saying "2020 fucking blows so let's hope 2021 is better", so I'll just skip all of that.

Here's a thing I made for the end of the year:


Also, I'd like to quickly give a shoutout to Swffr for being a really great friend who I'm glad to have in my life.

I hope you all have a great night.


Posted by Zapchon - September 26th, 2020


This year's Madness day was actually really good, there hasn't been this many uploads on a Madness Day since 2012.

It's also for that reason that I'm not gonna do a detailed review for all the movies this year because I'd be writing this for days.

So instead I'm gonna be doing a "Top 15" post with short descriptions of why I like/dislike the movies.

I'll also be excluding joke movies (unless they're really good) and teaser trailers since comparing them to these would be unfair.

Madness: Madlads also won't be included since I'll be biased in favour of it since i helped make it.

1 Dusk of the Madness: OVERTIME

Honestly this movie deserves an entire post dedicated to it alone, it was absolutely incredible.

It might've taken a long ass time for Littleluckylink to finish it, but it was more than worth the wait.

Pretty much every loose end that "Dusk of the madness" left got cleared up.

The animation style although not the best I've ever come across, nicely complements the atmosphere and intensity of everything that's going on.

It's rare that a Madness story makes you actually care about the characters and be engaged with everything that happens to them, but DOTM: Overtime really managed to achieve that which endlessly impresses me.

The only issue I have with it is that the very end seemed a bit rushed, but that's one issue after 25 minutes of good content so it's not that big a deal really.

I could go on for ages about why this movie is amazing but this post needs other movies too, so I'll leave it there.

But this is an absolute 100/100 from me.

2 Madness Redeemer 2: Revenger

This collab offers some of the most brutal choreography in a while alongside fast paced non-stop action in a decaying variant of the "Madness Redeemer" location.

There's not really too much to say about it except the action is good, so is the music and the animation quality itself.

Check it out sometime.


Although released a bit before Madness Day, this was uploaded close enough to where I'm including it in this list.

Eviltroto is back with a solo project that kicks ass, the effects and brutality of the movie makes it stand out a lot.

4 Madness Combat Anime Opening

While I'm not really a fan of Jojo references, I can't deny that a lot of effort went into this submission, so it gets this spot.

5 LizGoesForAWalk

A short movie from DatSalty with animation and sound design that's beyond satisfying.

6 Madness - Retribution

A new solo project from newcomer, ALPHA. Some of the backgrounds are bit empty but besides that, this is a solid and entertaining solo project with good action.

7 Madness: BLACK BERSERK EP 1 - Pilot

Although the animation style is a bit weird at moments and the dialogue could be much better, a lot of effort clearly went into this movie and there were a few interesting ideas that make it deserving of this spot.

8 Cup of Coffee

A surprise entry from Aryf starring Gabriel Barsch's OC that had entertaining choreography and a pleasing art style.

9 PROJECT: Felony

This is a joke collab but it actually ended up being a really entertaining fever dream of an animation to watch.

10 Madness : Dead Letter Day

Sentry's back again with a short but very cinematic upload.

It reminds me of older Madness day uploads from 2010 and earlier. (In the good way)

11 Devastation.fla

Buran did a good job with this movie, the action is snappy but entertaining to watch.

My only complaint would be that there were times during it where it was hard to follow what was going on.

But besides that, this is an entertaining solo that I'd recommend watching.

12 Hank's Fate

This movie sadly got cancelled before it was finished, but I'm putting it at #12 because the currently finished scenes alone are awesome enough to deserve this spot.

13 Dance Moment

This collab isn't anything outstanding but it's unique enough to where I enjoy it.

It's also a nice breath of fresh air from all the Guy-go-into-room-and-shoot-grunts movies.

Tuvster definitely had the best dance moves btw.

14 Madness Celebration

Although short and not anything CRAZY good, this movie provides quick action with fluent animation, which is about all you can ask of a Madness movie.

It gets the #14 spot.

15 Outlaw madness II

The reason this one isn't higher on the list is because despite the art and animation itself being just as good as Diotoons did it in the past, the movie just didn't really keep me entertained.

I think maybe the pacing was too slow this time, either that or I'm just an impatient twat.

But regardless, the art was still good enough to make it to #15.

Honourable mention:

Madness Diluvium Ep1

I'll be honest, I forgot about this movie when I first made this post, so I'm editing it in now.

Although it starts off a bit generic, the pace quickly picks up and some cool ideas are shown.

Definitely worth a watch.

If I'd remembered to add this movie when I first made this post, it would have probably been around 10th - 14th place.

Anyways, that'll do it for this post.

I know I'm leaving out a lot of movies here but I don't want to be writing this post for a week, so I'm just mentioning the movies that stood out in my opinion.

Also, Madness Liberation wasn't finished this madness day mainly because of IRL and Online personal stuff.

It'll hopefully be done for the end of the year though, but no promises though.



Posted by Zapchon - September 22nd, 2020

In collaboration with cool guys from Hyun's dojo



Posted by Zapchon - August 3rd, 2020

Stop complaining about dumb stuff